We simplify your procedures so that you can enjoy your stay!

Management of Procedures for Foreigners in Spain

Are you a foreigner and need help with your paperwork in Spain? We are here to make your life easier, whether you are a resident or not. Discover our personalized services to make your paperwork quick, easy and stress-free.

Francisco José Ropero Parra

"Your trusted partner in Spain’s legal maze."

Procedures for Foreigners Residents in Spain

What procedures can you carry out with us?

Obtaining the NIE

We help you obtain your Foreigner's Identity Number quickly and without complications

Residence or Work Card (TIE)

We take care of the whole process so that you have your card up to date

EU Resident Registration

If you are a citizen of the European Union, we assist you with this compulsory procedure

Form 720

Declaration of assets and rights abroad, mandatory for tax residents

Procedures for Non-Resident Foreigners in Spain

Clear, fast and adapted to your needs.

Obtaining the NIE

Compulsory for any legal or economic procedure in Spain

Tax management

We take care of settling your taxes properly and on time

Rental income

If you have a rented property in Spain, we help you to manage the payment of taxes

Property management
for own use

Make sure everything is in order with our specialised services


Benefits of working with us

Personalised attention

We adapt to your specific needs

Experts in Spanish regulations

We adapt to your specific needs

Save time and effort

We take care of everything while you take care of your priorities

Communicate in your language

We speak Spanish, English and other languages for a barrier-free experience

Close and professional treatment

We understand your needs and work with you hand in hand

Ease and confidence

Forget about complicated paperwork; we do it for you

More than 25 years of experience

We are specialists in procedures for foreigners

Do you need us to help you with legal formalities in Spain?

Contact us and we will assist you in English, Dutch or Spanish.